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10% Off Penn Elcom 2u Rack Shelf Magnetic Faceplate For at Penn Elcom Online
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Does Penn Elcom offer international orders?
Yes. Penn Elcom has an extensive network of international depots covering North America, South America, Europe, China, Australia and South East Asia.
This substantial network of depots allows Penn Elcom Online to offer Penn Elcom products to almost every deliverable location in the world.
If a product is not stocked in a local depot then it will be shipped from the closest Penn depot with stock availability.
Penn Elcom Online is an online portal that brings together all the Penn Elcom group brands: Penn Elcom, Pro Audio Stash, CLD Distribution, Comus and Rackz in one dynamic location. P
enn Elcom Online allows customers to order the full range of Penn Elcom group products to any location in the world.
What if I purchased the wrong size?
Remember, before purchase, if in any doubt about size, colour or suitability of a product, you can email them with any queries about all of their products. Their staff are experts and will respond to emails quickly during working hours.
If you decide that the product you purchased from them is not exactly what you were looking for, or is the wrong size, there is no problem returning it to them.
Their returns policy is flexible but they ask that items being returned are done so within 21 days of receipt and accompanied by a letter explaining the reason for the return, and the position of the fault.
What are the requirements for returns?
No goods delivered to you which are in accordance with the agreement will be accepted for return by them without their prior written approval and on terms to be determined at their absolute discretion.
If they agree to accept any such goods for return, they must be returned by you to them carriage-paid and in the original packaging.
What is the warranty policy?
All the products they sell are covered by a manufacturers warranty, which will cover the product for faults and defects.
This period of cover can vary, most items will be 6 months, but it is worth remembering that warranties do not cover general wear and tear.
If you have an issue with a product purchased from Penn Elcom Online contact them first.
Returned items with a warranty or repair issue should be clean and you will have to cover the postage cost back to Penn Elcom Online.