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Flackers Coupons & Promo Codes

How much does shipping cost?

  • Shipping charges may exceed actual shipping costs. Shipping may cost anywhere from $5-$6.50 depending on order value. Shipping cost is subject to change at any time. 

  • Free shipping is automatically applied when a customer's order is over $50 after any promo code or discount has been applied. Shipping charges or taxes do not count towards the $50 subtotal for free shipping. 

  • Most orders will arrive in 3-7 business days. However, Covid-19 may impact some shipping times due to safety measures. 

Who will be responsible for lost or damaged items?

  • When a product order is placed, it will be shipped to the address designated by the purchaser, as long as such shipping address is compliant with the shipping restrictions contained on the Website. 

  • Risk of loss and title for products purchased from a Website pass to you upon delivery to the carrier. 

  • You are responsible for filing any claims with carriers for damaged and/or lost shipments. 

Can I make a cancellation after placing the order?

  • Yes. For clarification, orders may be limited or cancelled at any time including after receipt of a confirmation or shipping email. 

  • For products purchased from their Websites using a credit card, an authorization may be placed on your credit card when you place an order. 

  • You will be charged for an item (and your purchase of such item will be complete) when the item in your order is shipped.

Will Flackers offer confirmation email for my order?

  • They may confirm online orders via email, however, the receipt of an email order confirmation does not constitute their acceptance of an order nor their confirmation of an offer to sell a product or service. 

  • They reserve the right, without prior notice and at any time: to limit the order quantity on any product or service and/or to refuse service or fulfillment of any order, in whole or in part, or to any customer; 

  • To discontinue any product or service; 

  • To bar any user from making or completing a transaction; 

  • To limit or impose conditions on the honoring of any coupon, coupon code, promotional code, or other similar promotion.  

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