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Does Bailey Hats have any Sale/Clearance products?
Yes, Bailey Hats run sales around the year to make sure you enjoy substantial savings on a wide selection of styles and colors. They constantly update their sale page with new additions, so you can find the perfect hat for any season or occasion. Click here to explore now!
Do they offer discount for new customers?
Of course! For all new customers who sign up for their Email newsletters, they are delighted to provide them with a generous 10% discount on their first orders. And they 'll keep you informed and up-to-date via email, ensuring that you never miss out on the exciting opportunities and savings that come your way.
How to return the item I don't like?
Bailey Hats offers free return within 60 days of shipment date. Make sure the item is unworn with original tags attached. To start a return, you can follow these steps:
Visit and locate the return page.
Enter your order information and email address.
Select the product you want to return, and the reason and how to return your item(s).
Pack up your item(s) in the original packaging with your printed RMA Packing Slips attached.
Affix the prepaid return label to the package and drop it off at your nearest FedEx location.
How can I find more deals and coupons for Bailey Hats?
You can easily find the latest deals and couons for Bailey Hats by the following ways:
Check their website or social media pages to see if there are any ongoing promotions or discounts.
Sign up for their email newsletter to receive updates, exclusive deals, and more.
Keep an eye on our coupon site, we regularly offer the latest deals and coupon codes for Bailey Hats, you can't miss it.